Found You is a record about love bliss, and the inception of those things, at the very moment you find your potential lifetime partner. Filled with whimsical, and musical theatrics. Found you takes you on a roller coaster ride starting from, where IAMBORNKING immediately tells the crowd, or the fans, and listeners, to bust a dance. Taking you to a place of euphoria, impossible nostalgia, as the hard hitting drums and beautiful wind chimes come together to make a musical marriage, alongside, I am born kings, playful banter of love, assisted by Jayem ‘s force full enchantment of Latin Weaponry.
Found you has been received well by the public, and has gained the attention of a lot of industry, insiders, main stayers, and Tastemakers. Found you has been spun on four different radio stations today, one of those being hot 97 found you has amassed on Spotify 150,000 streams in a matter of weeks. With this fast paced, ground pounding dance record. IAMBORNKING and Jayem are sure to see major mainstream success, numbers in time to come. As well as great potential to cross over into an overseas market. Found you can easily become an international record with the love that it has guarded from the people. I am boy King and Jayem have recently performed this record at the shrine in Harlem, Club Iguana,and the La Palma restaurant in New he Bronx. And at this pace, I am born King and Jayem with their new fire found you record, we could expect to see longevity and major growth . This is a masterpiece.