Boyd Squires is an extremely talented musician and guitarist from Perth, Australia. With a lot of potential, God knows it and he believes he will be up there with the stars one day. He has a strong mean voice that pushes out a message and can shred on the guitar well whether it’s acoustic or electric. He’s amassed an Instagram following of over 20,000 and keeps on growing as he pushes out new music.
He struggled with getting the time to practice. With a full time job and creating lyrics that match the pitch of his voice, it was hard be he conquered it. He figures it all out as he moves on, kind of like a puzzle. Within the next few years of his journey he hopes to get on stage and start singing his songs in front of thousands of people. With his music he would like to touch people’s hearts and inspire them.
Boyd Squires has two songs ready to go, and just needs to record and put some beats on them. He plans to release these in the next coming months and believes they will allow others to see his true self. In each song, Boyd expresses himself and reveals true emotions, making him different than most other artists.