Prys Morgan is a young aspiring Welsh artist who made the song “Get to Know You” that was released on Jun 22, 2023. This song seems to be an underground pop/rage song which is on a popular YouTube channel named “Chili World” which was founded in Jul 31, 2007 and has over 1.26M subscribers and still growing to this day.
This young aspiring artist has a naturally deep raspy voice who seems to make pretty dark aggressive music that seems to be melodic in structure.
The YouTube channel “Chili World” with the song “Get to Know You” by “Prys Morgan” for reference:
Not much is known about this artist other than the fact his first ever song was uploaded on Aug 10, 2021 titled “Hate Me” The young aspiring artist Prys Morgan is “20” which is stated on his Instagram. This would imply that Prys Morgan is 20 years old.
His Instagram for reference:
The young aspiring artist also states on his Instagram “𝘎𝘺𝘮𝘳𝘢𝘵” in his bio which would imply that this artist loves the gym. We have also noticed for an artist with a small page, Prys Morgan seems to get a lot of engagement from presumably his fans. This artists seems to be promising and could potentially be the next big thing if Prys Morgan continues to keep up the quality of music.
We have tried to contact the young aspiring artist on his Instagram page, but to no regard as he seems to not respond to messages unfortunately. We hope to hear more music in the coming future from this talented artist.