Trigg, the film director and brains behind Code Orange Live, has become a true innovator. In an industry that no longer provides artist development, Code Orange Live will bridge the gap between the coveted music industry and the upcoming artists of Upstate NY and beyond.
The platform will focus on its original youtube and instagram content to cross promote artists with big followings along with upcoming artists who deserve a chance to showcase their talents. The primary audience for Code Orange seems to be Upstate NY with a hint of NYC. Any artist in this region will have the opportunity to submit music for reviews, promotions, live studio videos, interviews and more.
Code Orange Live first launched in 2021 with an exclusive interview with Polo G’s artist & Syracuse native Scorey as well as an in-studio Live Performance series. During 2022, founder Trigg The Ruler, was incarcerated and the platform was forced to focus on local talent. Now in 2023, with Trigg back home and able to utilize his connections within the industry, Code Orange has been aggressively growing its audience with original content featuring bigger artists such as Rx Papi, Sheemy, Scorey & more.
For the remainder of 2023, Code Orange will continue to produce content with established artists in order to grown its audience so that it can be beneficial for the upcoming artists. Code Orange Live will become a brand, selling merch, and hosting annual events.
To keep up with Code Orange, follow @codeorangelive & @triggtheruler on Instagram and subscribe to Code Orange on Youtube