The Mexican Rapper Ariel Velázquez Sánchez better known as “Lucifer” He is currently on the record label Trono De Dios INC. Collaborating with Cash Money Records.
” Lucifer “Who debuted 3 years ago with a first Studio Album that reached in the first 3 days more than 1 Million Plays on various digital platforms and 400k digital sales. Now having 1 Album and 2 EP. This Mexican rapper has managed to reach international countries in continents like Europe, Asia, America. He having great success and approval from people from various countries for his professional songs, lyrics and melodies. Without a doubt, this promise of Mexican Rap has a lot to give and is expected in early 2023 to surprise us with his new album, as well as official videos and singles, the more… Which is estimated to exceed numbers and reach many more international people.
There is much to say and also to expect from this great Mexican Rapper. Stay up to date with all the updated information on his music and content by following him on his digital platforms.